When botnet spam finishes downloading all the required files.Hacker can easily steal your personal information and can also control your pc.One of the servers is based in the Netherlands, with the other in Kazakhstan, according to an alert on Websense, a security research company.So if you are also the victim of botnet spam and received email saying that your facebook password has been reset then the best option you will have is just delete that email from your inbox ASAP.
According to Websense, the address of the sender is spoofed to display “support@facebook.com,”
i have added lot of comments to your blog which will definitely help you make your blog from better to best.
Hello friend
Add links to your blog such as home about me , tips, technology news, etc or what ever you want. because navigation to various post is not easier in your blog e.g i am reading some post and i want to go to particular post or latest post then its difficult ot navigate. hence add home page links.
----> Its easy very easy to add link.
just click on add new page element -> then select the option link list etc that gadget will be added to your blog. windows tips, how to stop spams etc...
----> besides that remove the blogger navbar at the top it takes space of blog.
just google the keyword "how to remove blogger navbar" you will get the code.
----> add gadget called "Labels" to your blog so that user will be able to navigate various posts of your blog categorywise such as
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